A reader writes:
I have a suggestion for the Download the Universe website, of which I am a regular reader. The current commenting system might make some people, including me, uncomfortable because it requires us to login through Facebook, Twitter, and similar systems. For example, if I choose to use Facebook-based login system, I have to let the app access to my basic info (including my friends IDs!). This is beyond what I am willing to share just to put a comment on any website. This might also be a reason that the website does not receive many comments. I suggest you to make it a bit easier for people to comment.Having experienced years of spam blizzards at my own blog, I thought requiring people to log in to comment would spare Download the Universe from the web's marauding bots. But I have also shared the commenter's irritation at having to let everyone know exactly what we're reading or listening to simply to gain access to those words or sounds. So as an experiment, I am dropping the registration requirement. Quiet lurkers, please take this opportunity to share your thoughts about these reviews. (And please let us know about other ebooks worth reviewing!)